create a blog
and start
in 2017


i believe you will create a blog 
and start vlogging in 2017.

Why will you create a blog? And how to start vlogging? Can you use your smart phone and shoot a 1 minute video? Telling about the main purpose with your small local Business? I Believe that you and most people can do that today..

Blogging and Vlogging is very fun, and is about fulfill people's need and search intent. But it also absolutely about to understand folks new behaviors patterns on internet...

But what shall you blogging about?  The conditions for you to actually succeed in your Blogging adventure has probably never been greater than it is Today.. As you know the numbers of people that have smart mobile devices and access to internet, have exploded the last 4 years.. 

So everybody in most counties is today online, you have a big potential audience, waiting on you out there.. But you also have great competition. To succeed, you must first create a real internet presence, today that is the easy part. Further down you get example on that.

Do you already have a small business, it is obviously you will blog about that... If not, you should first find your niche.. In this article you will get help, how you can find your niche, based on your interest..

Create a Blog and Start Vlogging. Tell About Your Products or Services. Find Your Niche, and Start a Small Business.. Will Give You Free Guidance..

If you already have a small "brick and mortar", you will significantly increase the numbers of potential visitors and customers, by regularly publishing and also boosting your blog posts.

By the way, "boosting posts" have nothing to do with any trickery, black-hats or manipulations. It's only about using the systems, in a way it was meant to be used on..

Benefits of blogging.

  • Increase your web traffic.
  • Keep your current customers.
  • Differentiate you from similar businesses.
  • Fill an demand for your products or services.

What is a mobile friendly Business Blog? It's a part of your small Business "4 pillars" internet presence.. Despite that people today in 2017, have adopted the new web-technology, people have gained smart mobile devices. But still today, more than 50% of all small Business do not have any, or have a very poor internet presence.

An Business blog, should be equipped with a complete Business tool box, that can also offer your visitors and customers e Commerce.  Small businesses that can offer e Commerce as a purchase option, usually increase their sales by over 20%.. 

  • So an real Business blog is the right model for small online, and offline "brick and mortar" Businesses.
  • An regular standard free blog, is more aimed for private individuals, who only looking for an free, simple and non-profit, Internet Presence..

This is the overall, natural and logical strategy to build a real business blog, with a rock solid foundation, and that can be completed at your own pace. It contains text and video guidance to assist you with managing a WordPress site. And the complete terms of the all-in-one, online tools that are already there. No need for expensive upgrades, No need for additional plug-in Required. 

What is the basic reality on the Web? People use it to find information, for entertainment, to hang out, they are looking for solutions, to find different Businesses, to find products or services. Why you will succeed, with your Business Blog or vlog, is because you can clarify the purpose of your small Business.

You will first focus 100% on what really getting target traffic to your blog, and that is your valuable and relevant content. It's about the everyday people, like you and me and the natural research pattern we do on internet daily. You must helping your target audience to find what they are searching for, within your Chosen Blog Niche. 

many 10:s of millions have already seen this.

It is quite true that there are many million blogs on the internet. But there are also an incredible number of Internet users. And the number of new Internet users increases dramatically.  The global and local demand for blog businesses, that can offer valuable and relevant content, will of course to increase when many 100's of millions of new Internet and smartphone users connecting, in the next few years.

Today, I thought you would get a closer look at how you should be able to master completely natural, logical and proven strategies, so you can avoid costly and time-consuming mistakes.

You should instead develop a very profitable small blog business. Whether you today is a regular blogger, a small "brick and mortar" or if you are an infopreneur ... You need customers to survive and thrive your business. 

As soon as you learn to use the right strategy and your new blog tools, so your blog will draw more and more traffic. It will result in you being recognized in your industry, you will be able to see new customers flowing to your Business sites..


Just in short, the definition of a vlog, vlogging is to making a blog post in form of a video.. Especially amongst millennials this is a sharply raising trend, Wich are the early adopters.

But i am very convinced that the numbers of individual vloggers, and the use of video marketing amongst small local Businesses shall sharply increase. Because it will become much more simply and quickly to use, and also much more inexpensive.

Vlogging is of course also a form of video marketing, which Dennis Yu, talking about in this Video. Here you can also see how popular Vlogging is in India. "Mumbiker Nikhil" Nikhil Sharma is from Bombay in India, he have more than 46 millions of viewers, and over 348 898 subscribers, and those figures increasing constant...

As you see in my Facebook article below, i got 38,000+ viewers and likes when i "boosted" this post, for just a few $ dollars.. 

This young enthusiastic man Nikhil, have really find his Niche that interest him very much, because he loves motorcycles, to travel and to vlogging..

There is no problems to see that this will become his passion.. Just take a look at this vlog  Episode, i think its very fun to look at his many videos, and in addition you will see and learn much about India.

Do you understand how big potential video marketing will have.. Shoot a 1 minute video with your smartphone, you can for example: telling about yourself, the purpose of your small Business, or show some of the new products that just today arrived, this is an action that will take you 5-10 minutes.

how long will it take
create a blog or vlog?

Can you achieve success and see more growth in your exciting blog adventure, in short time? Absolutely... Let's get started straight away. But you who already have an established Business is well aware that there is no quick fix overnight solution to succeed. 

One thing is for sure, it will take time, to build a real Business from scratch. My advice is that all Small Businesses, regardless of size, industry, and the country, should use a mix of paid and free marketing.

Forget about the expensive marketing age. As i already have said,  Start by "boosting" your Social posts.  The only thing small Business need today, is 5-10 minutes and $1 dollar/per day, to start seeing Results...

You're probably wondering how much work effort required? When you use this blog Tools, most of the time you will be spending to produce valuable and relevant content that helps your visitors solving their search intent..

All web technology behind the scenes events, etc., is handled completely automatically. That is the reason why I and so many others choose this tool, you need no technical or web programming knowledge, no upgrade here and there ... PHUUU .. 

What shall you start with? Asking yourself,  why will you create a blog? what problems is it tempted to solve? what vision do your business have? .. You must first select, identify a niche that helps your potential visitors to distinguish your blog from other competing blogs. (See the Brainstorm It video below). 

This will make a huge difference and to speed up your blog's growth. This means that you must do your research to get yourself new knowledge, update skills you already have, to find out who your competitors are, what they are writing about, what gaps you will find that you can complete with your own words, your own personal style and touch, your angle, your knowledge and your experience...

all the cards on the table.

Please look at these real results carefully. It is extremely important. Why? Because you are like me and many 100s of thousands around the globe, who start an small business for a reason ... Yes of course, to succeed.

But claims of success is easy to say to everyone. So the quick reply from you is, "Can you prove it." Here, you see, in black and white. No other blog tools of its kind on the market can deliver such Incredible Results.

  • Results.
  • Compare.

lets us fire up ctpm the maine engine

what is ctpm?

  • C.  Content: Create valuable and relevant In-Demand Content.
  • T.  Traffic: Your in-demand content, attracts targeted Traffic.
  • P.  Presell: PREsell Those targeted Visitors.
  • M. Monetize: Monetize the PREsold Visitors.

As I have said many times before, this process is very simply.. But not "Easy".. Every person can Manage this. Let us now start from the early beginning, we will do it "step-by-step" to build up a profitable business blog, by mastering a niche.

But why a "niche"? Therefore, to a general-topic (for ex.,"Travel or books,") you will never be able to defeat, "the big business", for ex, the Amazon... A niche blog will attracts highly targeted visitors ...

It is much easier, to win them over, by delivery of your valuable and relevant blog content.. And once again the fundamental reality of the web. People use it to apply for: information, find help, find products, find services, to look for solutions. To succeed, you must start where your potential customers begin, put yourself in their clothings..

build your content strategy.

There are many different blog platforms to choose from, in this case it's about the WorldPress that's over 50% of all bloggers using today.. Next step, build your content strategy. It is extremely important to have a content strategy in place.

First, it is about knowing what to write about, you already have a niche idea? Most have one or more ideas ... If you running a small "brick and mortar" business, then obviously your business blog will become the digital variant on internet, of your Business.

Now it's about demand and supply, sure you know what the words mean, it's them two words, as in a natural and logical way Controls business activities. Can not you create content on your blog that has a demand, well then it does not matter what a fantastic trendy look, your blog has, because you will still not get any visitors. 

The same law of nature apply to an offline business. If there is no demand for your products or services you offer. Well.. then it does not matter the appearance or the location of your "brick and mortar" business, the customers will not show up .... So now look at this short video.

The New Brainstorm It!
a Real blogging tool. Probably the most advanced and easy to manage niche and Keyword Research Tool of its kind!

When you have added all the search result at together, as this super tool achieves, it gives a yield of 10-20 times more relevant and valuable keywords than every third-party keyword tool (including Wordtracker and Google) combined! Each keyword in the world that contains your "Site Concept keyword" discovered and returned to you loaded with additional valuable Data.

  • How do you find your niche?
  • What are you going to write about?
  • When will you write?
  • How often should you write?
  • Who's your target audience?
  • What optimization must you do on your blog?
  • Measurement. How will you measure the impact of your content?

Yes, this was just a few examples of the questions that many people from differnt countrys have sent to me. You probably have more questions, feel free to contact me. Further down in this article you will find another video, a more comprehensive and complete description, of this blog Tools.

wordpress news!
how to start a blog?

Breaking News ... SBI is married with WordPress!



         How Does SBI! for WordPress Work?

Whether you are a small local "brick and mortar" Business, or you're an infopreneur or an individual blogger... SBIs, New Brainstorm It! Real blog tools. Probably the Most Advanced and Easy To Handle Keyword Research Tool of its kind, on this Planet!  click here. 

Today You need customers to survive and thrive as a Business. But to attract customers, you have to provide the right information, precise the information that your target audience is Searching for. Discovering that, well… that's the real challenge, isn’t it?

Valuable and relevant content.

Why will people visit your Blog? Because you can provide unique value, your blog can solve your target audience search intent. Your personality and your big interest for your Business, your products or services, will be reflected in your "home-made" content, written with your own unique voice... People don't buy what you do or offers. 

People will visit your Blog or "brick and mortar", they will buy from you, because of Why you do what you do, and Why you offers your products or services. And about "why" i don't mean earn money or make a profit, because that is a result, and will always be an Results.

Should you buy food, well then you go to a grocery store, I choose a store where I know I'll find what I want, where the quality is good, where staff are service minded, and where the price is right for me. People want to visit a grocery store, because it can provide what people want. The same principle applies when people visit your blog, and they do that because you can offer solutions, as people are looking for..

Just a example. If you thinking about buy a new levis 501 jeans, everyone now has a smartphone and people can quickly do a Google search on, "buy levis 501, and the name of the city you live in". I myself quickly got up several proposals to different shops, in the small town I live here in Sweden..

As you saw in the video demo, you have a fantastic and unique tool that very easily helps you to first find your niche, but also to pick up keywords and phrases to your master keyword list, that you can use to optimize your blog so that your potential visitors easily and smoothly will find you and your blog before they want to find your competitors.

Valuable and relevant content is what people talk about, share and link to.. The majority of blog entries in the top 10 search (Page 1 at Google) results, are longer than 2000 words. When it comes to links and shares, this is content that has done really well. 

It is much better to publish one article that has more than 1500 quality words than many small ones with mediocre content. A minimum would be 500+ Words, 1500+ words is good. 

I have received emails from many people in different countries, who asked me for help, because the traffic to their blogs don't increases at all... Some of them had been blogging for several years.

After I looked at their blogs so I proposed to write longer blog posts, it's not longer the quantity but rather quality of your content to increase the rankings and traffic.. Make it also to a good habit to regularly "boosting" your posts. 

So your ultimate goal, is not stuff your blog with fluff and empty words, but rather enhance the overall quality, with extraordinarily, valuable and relevant content. As i have said many time, the main purpose with your Business blog, is to present answers, solutions to peoples search Intent. 

webinar about BLOGGING!
with Demian Farnworth, Wade Harman and Kevan Lee....

make it very simple.

Remember to make it very simple, write simply, the great majority of your visitors are just ordinary people like you and me. Avoid lots of abbreviations and complex words, if you do not turn to a specific audience. We take an example: India where the number of new smartphone users is increasing exponentially, and e Commerce equally so.

If you are a small Business owner in India.. Keep in mind that in just a few years, many 100's of millions, new Internet users to be your potential visitors to your blog, only a few are web-savvy, or are well educated, many do not have much money, but do not be fooled by it.

The desire to buy on the Internet in a majority of new Internet users in india is very big, even if it only involves a few dollars per person so remembering that small amounts by 100's of millions of new internet users in india, will become very big Sums...

blog seo is about a 
"4 pillars" internet presence

My advice, don't get trapped in the SEO jungle.. Regardless your industry, size or country, what small Businesses have to first concentrating on, is to establish the "4 pillars" internet presence.

When this are done, and only then, you have placed your small Business on internet. That is what i call a proper internet presence, for small Businesses. It is quick, very inexpensive and all can make it by yourself, even if you are the "newest newbie".

Good to know..

Recently, John Mueller from Google  talk about the advantages for small Businesses, that by themselves build a "4 pillars" internet presence, by using do-it-yourself platforms..

John Mueller: Says small Businesses dont need worry about using Do-It-Yourself Platforms. Gives Free Guidance..


I see no reason why you should not succeed. I recommend that you Watch this Video so that you can form your own opinion. Today there are so many more option than just a few years ago.. Given the rapid web technological developments and the strong increase globally in the number of new Internet and smartphone users. Just roll up your sleeves, take the picks and shovels and start create a blog, because it is very Fun ...

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Welcome back Soon.
I Believe you will have a Fabulous Day:)

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