advertise business online it's
more Inexpensive in 2017!

why all small businesses should
Advertise business online.

Advertise Business Online, Social and Content marketing. The today best model for small business online marketing, is to use a mix of paid and organic result. As soon as you have completed the installation of your "4 pillars" mobile friendly internet presence,  don't waste time to just sit and wait for the free web traffic.. Because the organic free traffic will come, don't worry about that, it just take some time. 

So stressed small Business owners, with a tight marketing budget, can get traffic from their target audience immediately. Regardless of your industry or country. The only thing You as small local Business owner need, is 5-10 minutes, and $1 dollar/per day, to start seeing Results... 

This is today the one of the best and an well balanced marketing strategy for small Businesses. Your own Business website must be well placed, and overfilled with your unique, "home made" relevat content. The site should looks good, be so perfectly clean as it can be, and of course mobile friendly, and make sure that all sides are doing what they are supposed to do.

What i am suggesting is fast, simple and inexpensive online marketing actions, as you can perform all by yourself. This model is tailor made for all small local Businesses, with limited of time, with limited web technical experience and with a tight marketing budget...


If you can offer your taget audience the very best business website, with by far the best and relevant information. Written of course with your own voice and lots of your own personal unique style. Then you will stand out. 

Think that your Business site is your small "brick and mortar", of course you want to put your own personal touch on your store, so potential visitors and customers immediately can feel that it's unique and distinguished from your compititors. This must be your best plan. 

What i am meaning, is for small Businesses from that doing almost now paid marketing at all, you will see very good results from just "boosting" your Facebook Posts.  As i said, all you need is 5-10 minutes and "a Dollar-a-Day", to start seeing Results... 

Overall info about my website, that is aimed for small Businesses. The fact is in today, still more than 50% of all local small Businesses, lack a proper online presence. I give free tips and guidance about Why your Business need, and How to create an "4 pillars" Mobile Friendly Internet Presence.

Help your potential visitors and customers to discover you online. Those actions are easy, quick and inexpensive to preform, all by Yourself. Even if you are the "newest digital newbie". 

Displayd Ads attracts more visitors and customers, 3 minutes Video.

I have mentioned it before, but remember that your best weapon is what makes all of your posts and ads so unique. They are actually "home-made" they are written with your own voice, your unique personality.

It's you and your staff, that your audience can see on the many relevant fotos and short videos. Your potential visitors and customers, will very quickly to notice it's actually real and unique, not something that looks like everything else, just to sell more..

Advertise business online, has become a major industry in view of the huge amount of all new digital activities, and that resulting the decibel on the Internet have been sharply turned up. Being able to be heard and seen, is today very difficult.. That is because more than 50% of all small Businesses, lack the basic "4 pillars" internet presence.

Your potential visitors and customers have today modern equipments, smart mobile devices and internet connection.. As i said, small Businesses, still lagging after, a majority can not offering a proper online presence. How can your target audience find you when they searching on internet?


As i have mentioned, all you need is 5-10 minutes and $1 dollar/per day, to start seeing Results... I frequently "boost" my posts on Facebook. It's very easy to set up, all by yourself, with just a few quick clicks and it gives very good results. So from my own experience, I can warmly recommend all small Businesses to try it out.

Start by sending up a "test balloon". In few minutes and clicks, you can create a small campaign with start date and stop date, determine the exact amount it may cost. During the campaign, you can also quickly edit, stop, start your ad and the budget, at anytime. 

For anyone who has a small local Business, you can tailor made your ads campaign, to be displayed to your super target audience within your region.  

For example, a small local business, had a one-week campaign on facebook, the business owner, chose to advertise for a maximum of $ 100 but the small local facebook campaign, gave $ 1,900 in pure profit to the small local Company.  This is very effective methode to increase web traffic, you can read more about this in my article,  How to find local Business . 

how to invite people to become a fan of your facebook business page?

By sending a Free and friendly invites, to people who already have liked one of your Posts. You will Boosting your Facebook Business site.

When people click's "like" on one of the posts, on your Facebook Business site, you will see results like this. You can see all those who have donne that, by click on the "likes", as the arrow points in this image below..

Click on the "likes", as the arrow points in this image..

All those people who have "like" one particular post, or an foto, that they may just have seen in their newsfeed, because of a friend have "like" it. Or as an results, because you chose to push the blue "boost" button. If that's all they liked, they probably will not see your future posts. Those potential visitors and customer maybe is -- lost and gone for ever.

However, if they also chose to click on "like" your Facebook Business site. Facebook will then automaticly send them all your future posts, directly to their newsfeed... And as a small Business owner you knows that this can means new Potential visitors and customer, maybe is -- gained!

By clicking as the arrow, you send an invitation to that person to "like" your Facebook Business site. Gives Free Guidance.

So, what is the price tag on this action? And How to doit? Well it's Free, aside from your own work efforts.. All you're doing is clicking on the "Invite" button, (as you see on those 2 fotos above) over and over again...

But use this "invite" button wisely, do not spaming. Facebook may limit how many people you may "invite" per day. If it does, no problem! Just continue the next following day or two.

Dennis Yu, have become well known because of his Facebook 1-dollar-a-day modell..

Sometimes, Facebook removes the "Invite" option and replaces it with "Add friend." That I don't recomend you to do... Simply wait a day or two -- the "Invite" option will come back. However people that recive those "invite", must self make an active decision by accept it or just ignore it.

There's no way to tell how many will accept the invitation, but even if just some do, it's a non aggressive, but friendly, quick, easy, and Free way to "boosting" your Facebook Business sites, fan base... It's impotant to remember that to be able to made this "Invite", people must first have clicked "like" on one of your posts...

small business marketing online

how can dennis yu turns $ 1 dollar,
into 1000's of target visitors.

Dennis Yu, is an internationally recognized lecturer about Facebook marketing. He is known for the "dollar-a-day" campaign. Turning $ 1 dollar ads, in to 1000s of laser-targeted visitors and customers which thus easily can find small Businesses..

Sounds "too cheap", yes but with today new modern web-technic, it is now possible even for small business owners, with a small marketing budget, to become visible on internet.

who is googles customers?

By the Way.. Have you thought about, what are Google's customers? If you follow the money, it's primarily everybody that advertise on Google. Indirectly, it is all of us, who makes all those 3,5 billions of daily Internet searches, and thus creates the basic conditions for the Ads. But Google is evolving rapidly as you know, and finds constant new income legs, to stand on.

So a conclusion is that even small businesses with limited budget will benefit in the shape of increased sales and traffic, to their business website and "brick and mortar" with paid advertising. As I have said, the rapid development of Internet, the big smartphone revolution, has only in the last five years created dramatic changes in people's internet behavior patterns. 

For you as a small business owner, shall be able to make yourself visible, there is no doubt that you have to first have a real presence on the Internet, combined with paid advertising. But of course, my advice is to use common sence. Be careful and that you first try on in a small scale, the size that fits your wallet, and to check out the reply it provides.

Google helps your potential
visitors and customers
to super easy find out your
opening hours..

Ever trekked all the way to your favorite restaurant just to realize it’s closed for the holidays? Well, we have. Now Google Maps and Google Search will help you avoid that common holiday mistake.

Google've added holiday hours to Maps and Search, so when you search for a business and a major holiday is within the next seven days, you’ll see whether the business has a special holiday schedule. Not only will you avoid showing up to find the doors locked, but you’ll save time by not having to call the business or check the website for hours. Continue to read at Google Blog....

How to create an ad Campaign.

1. the important target keywords.

The important target keywords must not be too broad. If you are a new advertiser, you will probably never be able to bid for a top spot for some very broad keywords. Even if you do, you will pay as much for the privilege, it is quite unlikely that your income will motivate your enormous COSTs..

But since most of us running a small business, then you should instead start your campaigns with small groups of five to 10 long tail keywords, if you have started your web business with the help of a business tools so you easy get help to to build the target keyword list that are specific to your own e Business. 

Expand your campaigns with wider keyword only in exceptional cases if they can prove to be a positive ROI. But my advice is that you should stick to the keywords that you have already developed during the brainstorming session. But you shall not put too many keywords in an ad Group.

To advertise is the ideal reality, you would obviously create a unique landing page and PPC ad (pay per click) for each target keywords you are aim for, so your campaign experience will be like laser cannon rays.

But since most of us small business owners working alone and dont have as much time as it would require, so you should stick to ad groups with only 5 to 10 words to begin with, as I mentioned above. If you do, then it will prevent you from being forced into too many unrelated words and phrases.

2. To run ads on the search network.

To run ads on the "search network with the display, select" campaign. You understand Google is trying to push a little extra to this combination as campaign type, but the reality is that AdWord's search and display formats still requires some different advertising methods. I think you should stick to search, view, or both, but think the ads you create should follow an industry-accepted best practices for each individual campaign style.

3. the result are Worth the effort.

If you send traffic directly to your homepage, Every visitor you secure through your PPC ads should certainly primarily end up on a landing page that will be designed to be as appealing and engaging as possible on the basis of his or her interests. If instead you just drop by your visitors on your front page, so you force them to work to find the information they are looking for and also made them do the first click on your ad.

It will lead to a higher bounce rate, conversion missed opportunities and unnecessary advertising costs for you. Yes, it's a little more work to craft custom landing pages for your PPC ad campaigns, but the results are definitely worth the little extra effort.

One tip is that you promote every new posts on Facebook, as I have said so can you tailor made, both in terms of your target audience, but also predetermine the maximum cost.

4. Excluding certain keywords.

Now imagine that you run a site that sells, specially designed ladies handbags. Depending on the type matches you use, your ad campaign for "custom designed ladies handbags". displayed phrases ranging from "designer's bags" to "cheap lady bags." 

Since each click costs you money, and since some visitors searching question "cheap handbags" that are not likely to turn into buyers for you because you are selling specially designed ladies handbags. But if you do not add the keyword "cheap" in your campaign so it will keep these tire kickers away and save costs for you.

5. rotate indefinitely.

Not turning ad variations displays evenly. If you create more than one ad variation, which I think you should do, for testing purposes so that you find the one that works best. Google's current standard is to serve the ad that they think will perform better more often. While this may help your overall campaign ROI, it will not give you a fair split test. 

To be able to prevent this from occurring, you should go to "Settings" on your AdWords account, click until you find four ad rotation option "Advanced Settings.": "Optimize for clicks", "Optimize for conversions,"  "rotate evenly" and "rotate indefinitely". You should choose the option: "rotate indefinitely" It is to keep your data Clean.

6. Not to measure ROI.

If you now run an AdWords campaign without some mechanism to determine which of your paid clicks convert to customers, chances are that you will almost certainly wasting money unnecessarily on poor quality traffic. Being able to track down conversions coming into your sales funnel from an AdWords clicks.

And they goes on to become paying customers, will show you how to focus your advertising costs right in the future, which campaigns should be ramped up and the ad groups or keyword should be dropped altogether. One must dare to do wrong and then be able to make the right..

The main thing is that they misstep you do becomes so small and mild as possible. Tracking conversions on your website or blog requires that you first define your sales funnel and then either install an AdWords tracking pixel or set up Google Analytics goals of your site. It's a little more complicated than just running a campaign without conversion tracking, but taking these steps is the only real way to know if your campaigns are producing results with a positive return.

what about free advertising.

There is a whole jungle (100s thousands) of different free advertising sites, you can test if you want. Since it is free, there are some Restrictions. Gives Free Guidance.

You have probably already made Google search for "free online advertising," this is a jungle of different free advertising Service. I am not a frequent user, but sometimes when I have time and desire, I usually put up some Free Ads ... Here are two examples of sites, it is easy and quick to use, and some times quite good traffic response, just take look ... is a site, under an umbrella of diverse and independent sites. It's free, it's easy and fast to set up a small ad, there is no special login. It obviously takes time to create ads on all sites, but you can click and you'll see for yourself how it works ... 

And then you have, (CL) has been around for some years now, so many now about it .. Well this was just 2 examples you can certainly find more yourself if you want to test. There are, however, many who have various types of limitations, etc. But it is to say an free services, and all that is free always tend to be associated with different types of restrictions ..

your main traffic source that also is free.

As i have said many times before here at my website. Regardless of what you see and hear from others, will the search engines to continue for the foreseeable future, to be your free traffic source No 1.

So of course most importantly for your small business, is that you have a real internet presence, so that all potential visitors can find your business sites, before they find your competitors. 

We're talking of course about the search engines. It's free advertising, or as it is also called, free targeted traffic to your site. It occurs when your potential customers can find you, as a result of Their Internet Research.

Find your niche and targeted keywords.

Brainstorm It.. Probably the most advanced and easy to manage Niche and Keyword Research Tool of its kind on this planet! This tool, you also can use with great advantage, to find the target keyword to your ad campaigns. Take a taste bit, in this Video how to getting traffic. At this short video, you will get an overview of What to start with, and Why.. Press play and watch this video now ..

time to wrap things up.

For most people, getting traffic to their sites, have so far been the key limiting factor to make money online. In order to get traffic, you have to start where your visitors begins, focus on the users. Consumers make Internet search, to get help, find information, find Products and Services. 

Too many small businesses are stuck in a mindset on that marketing, be visible on the Internet, increase web traffic, should not have to cost anything. Today, even small local businesses, can with the help of $ 1 dollar a day, reach 1000's of target potential visitors and customers.

Even if you as a small Business owner does not spend any large sums of money on advertising, but only a few dollars, so even small ads give Turbo-effect on traffic to your business website. As i already have said, today small Businesses must have a mix of paid and organic search results, to being found on Internet...

I also mentioned that under 50% of small businesses still don't have a real internet presence. To create a real internet presence must become prio 1. I will recomend that you take a look at this Video Tour, where you can see how simply you can fix it yourself... 

Thanks for taking your time, visit my Website..

Welcome back Soon.

I Believe that you will have a Fabulous Day:)


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